Herb of the Month: Poor Appetite?

Herbs that can increase a poor appetite are catnip, fennel seed, ginger root, ginseng, gota kola, papaya leaves, peppermint leaves, and/or saw palmetto berries. Caution: Do not use ginseng if you have high blood pressure.

Okay, yes, there are herbs that do increase your appetite, but let’s take a look at why you may have a Poor Appetite and how we can treat it.


Always see your primary care practitioner, doctor and/or Nutritionist, and do not substitute these treatments for other medications that have been prescribed for you. You always need to speak with your doctor first before adding anything new. Just because herbs are natural doesn’t mean they are not medicine.

Poor Appetite

A poor appetite is not a disorder in itself, but more than likely an issue pertaining to something else. Emotional issues such as depression, stress, illness and trauma can cause appetites to be weakened or non-existent. There are controllable things such as the use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs, than can also increase the no desire to eat. Lastly, an underlying sickness may be the culprit. Heavy metal poisoning or nutritional deficiencies my be involved.

To stimulate a poor appetite – try using the herbs listed above, one at a time, to see if one will work. Do not try all of them at the same time. You may not need them.


To get the protein and calories you need, drink 3 or more cups per day of skim milk. This can be in the form of Soy, Almond and all other types of milk, especially if you suffer from a lactose intolerance. Use a carob-based milk, it gives you more of a feeling of being a treat but without all of the added sugars and lactose.

Yogurt mixed with fruit for shakes gives some added protein as well as some essential Pro-Biotic, very essential to your stomach and entire bodies disease fighting center. Eat cold cereals, preferably whole grain cereals, as well as breads and rolls. The denser the food, the better the nutrional value.

Use cream soups, again nut milks can be used rather than heavy cream to bring out a richer broth. These are better for nourishing you, than clear broths. They are also higher in protein, which is the foundation to building strong muscles.

Between meals, snack on foods such as avocados, banana soy pudding, cheeses (lactose free cheeses work too), chicken, and no more than twice a week, tuna. Turkey, nuts and nut butters, along with hot cereals do wonders to keep you satisfied, but also build good strong muscle and bone health. In addition to promoting weight gain, these foods are easy to digest and contain the good fatty acids your body needs as well as the additional probiotics (friendly bacteria).

Because you are trying to gain weight it’s best to avoid any beverages prior to eating your meal. This gives the feeling of being full. With a poor appetite, we are trying to build this up. To lose weight, you can eat this way. But with much less and having water
before, during and after a meal is wonderful.

Supplements are essential to most people, but those with a poor appetite are at greater risk of illness. These supplements can help build your immune system back to good health. B Vitamins increase appetite.

Try eating small quantities of food at frequent intervals through out the day rather than 2 or 3 larger meals. Just the sight of a large meal can be a turn off for those suffering with poor appetite. Smaller frequent meals may be better tolerated, with a gradual increase in the volume of food.


If possible, but avoid strenuous exercise as it will delete the
calories you are trying to build back into your diet. Walking, yoga, and moderate paced activity is best to increase the appetite. Exercise also helps the body to break down the nutrients in a better way. If you smoke, quit! Smoking decreases appetite. When trying to stimulate the appetite, consider the surroundings of your meal. Are they tolerable to the tastes? Are they appealing to your taste buds? Your surroundings are just as important to the food you put in your body. If you experience a significant loss of appetite, see your physician to rule out any underlying physical problems.

Something to Consider

To stimulate a poor appetite, the diet must be individualized according to the person’s tolerances and tastes. There are many products on the market that can be helpful for people with appetite and weight problems. They are often found in the health food stores.

If you have any health questions, please submit them here and I will be happy to answer them the best I can.

To your health!

In light,

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