Shooting a pilot for CBS

Hi all…am out tonight taping a CSI type show for CBS. This will air on October 30, 2009, as I’m told. Keep sending me those questions, and I will respond to them. Being a Psychic Medium is challenging, and your questions are wonderful to help me in my work.


  1. Thanks, Steven….yes….when I’m asked to!

  2. I believe it does. But I will check with my webhost to be sure!

  3. It does, just go to my website or contact me and I will have a list created. This is a new site, and I thought we had one up already, but I will double check!
    Thanks for asking!
    Happy Holidays!

  4. Hi Steven,
    I have written many things, blogs, books, magazine articles, and story lines for my t.v. shows. Thanks so much for the compliment. I very much appreciate it.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

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