
Dear Vicki,

It is with deep feelings of gratitude that I thank you for all of the help and inspiration you have given me and my husband on several occasions during these past two years. I’m not sure if you remember me, but I had the pleasure and privileged of meeting with you in early July . I was pregnant at the time and you connected with the soul of my first born child. She came through as Gillian, my daughter 300 years ago in Ireland.

I lost so many babies within the past couple of years–I’m pretty sure the total is five–most were very early on. The most difficult loss was on September 11, 2001 when I had a D and C to remove a child that had died in the womb at 8 weeks. I continued to have more losses after that and my husband Howie and I hit a very low point. I emailed you a couple of times and you responded right away telling me to hang in there, learn the difficult lessons, and one day I would be blessed with a perfectly healthy baby. Your insights and words were a huge gift to Howie and I and helped us get through the pain.

This past December we experienced another miracle. We started to communicate with Gillian via a ouija board. I heard you talking about it one day on the radio last fall and must have tucked the idea away in my brain. In late November I got this idea in my head (placed there by my guides no doubt) to create my own Ouija board with paper, pen and a saucer from a china set. Howie and I were able to talk with Gillian on a regular basis. It was unbelievable how she whipped the plate around, spelled so well, and gave us precious information. She told us when to try conceiving again and that I should take progesterone for the first trimester. She told us that I was pregnant even before I could get a positive result. She was right on and we communicated with her throughout my pregnancy until about the eighth month (she was too much on the physical plane at that point and could not come through on the board).

I gave birth– Gillian was reincarnated as Elijah, a beautiful healthy baby boy (see our picture below). We feel so blessed by this miracle!!! Thank you for being a part of it. I wrote all about you in my son’s baby journal so he will always know the incredible story and how amazing and generous you are. Vicki, you will always be in my heart for all you did for my family.

Bless you.

Susan, Howie, and Elijah
(Posted with permission)

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