
May 26, 2010

Dear Vicki

I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to respond to you about our session on March 2nd of this year.  I was so nervous going into the session but you managed to relax me within a few minutes with your wonderful, friendly and bubbly personality.  Taking the time to explain so much to me before  you connected to the other side was very eye opening, interesting and educational.  I was so totally blown away.

Something I didn’t tell you about was the secret word between Patti and myself.  The word is ‘Two’.  It is an adorable story.  When our first son was just learning to talk, Patti would ask hime,”How much do you love Mommy?” and he would say,”Two”.  We could not figure out why he would say this everytime we asked him that question until Patti one day found out.  When he would see me hugging Patti or when we were romantic with each other he would hear me say,”I love you Patti” and she would say, “I love you too”.  In his mind he the word “too” was the number “two”.  And because that was always our responses to each other he thought that meant the ultimate degree of love.  We have cherished that word all our lives and it has had so much meaning for us in all areas of our lives ever since.  It was so wonderful having that word between us.

The reason I told you this story is because you didn’t know about it, yet, you made the date of our session on day ‘Two’ of March.  I had the check made out at the bank on a weekend so the check had to be predated.  When I got home I was preparing to insert it in the envelope to mail it to you when I looked at the date…….2-22-2010.  Patti died on 2-10-09…..at 10:22 AM.  The two of us have always been psychically connected since we met.  I thought I would be able to connect with her more directly but I don’t think God wants me to do this until it’s my time to be with her which hirts so much.   In any case that one hour session was such a breath taking event for me and I will always be greatful to you for giving me that moment.  I may call in the future because there were so many questions I wanted to ask but my mind, at that time, was totally blank.

Please take of yourself and wish you all the success you deserve not only for what you can do but also for the way you do it.  That is a rare quality and it couldn’t have happened to a better person.

S. A. & P. A.

P.S.  I have told so many people about you and the experience you provided to me.  A lot of people have been reading your website which I have recommended as necessary reading and they have all agreed that I was right.

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