

 I am still in shock with the experience, from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for your help and I am very happy for laura that she is in a great place and about my family that was a great bonus….  🙂 I call my ex-boyfriend told him about that his mom died from a heart attack and he told me she had a weak heart he was so shock what I told him.


Thanks again thanks , thanks thanks……… Have so much peace in my heart for Laura she was a great person with me and I felt I need to do something for her…. Give back to her….. Was a feeling that came from my heart.


Just one more thing there is a guy in my dreams that I knew one time he was kill and we had a friend in common and he wants justice and I really do not think I have your gift so I do not trust what he tells me.


Should I pay you a 30m if you think is worth it maybe I can connect you with the Investigator of his case Vicki my heart tells me she have something to do with his murder and the police have nothing.


What you think about this case?


Monica Narvaez

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