I will try to schedule an appointment within the next couple of months. In the meantime, does Vicki have any books or know of any books that address animals crossing over? My 20 year old daughter had to put her cat down after having her for 16 years. My daughter is devastated. I told her we will be united with our animals and love ones once we crossover. Of course hearing things from your parents doesn’t carry as much weight as hearing it from another source. So I am hoping you can recommend a book that can help ease some of her pain. Thank you so much for your understanding.


Not precisely, but all souls cross over, and the best book about past lives and reincarnation, which animals as well as all things that live do go through is “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss. I would pick that up and she will get a very strong sense of relief.
In light,


I actually do have this book and we did read the section on animals. About 12 years ago I saw you at a school in Old Orchard Beach. I was lucky enough to have you call my number. The very first thing you said to me was, “who just lost a dog?”. And my dog had just been hit by a car. You told me that I didn’t brush my dogs very much but my mother does. I asked you what type of dogs and you said “Shelties”. Well that of course blew me away because you confirmed that my mother had crossed and the exact type of dogs I had. And I do have two Shelties on the other side. I also saw you at a hotel in Kennebunkport and a couple of years later my brother and I had a private visit with you. So of course you were the first person I thought of and I did reminded my daughter what you had told me. You are amazing and not just because of your gift but because of how you share that gift with others and the peace you bring them. Thank you.

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